Here is a small video of Jacob crawling. The camera ran out of memory so it's short. He has finally got the coordination down to crawl on all fours instead of doing the army scoot everywhere. He is so fast with his little hands slapping the floor, he can't sneak up on anyone. He crawls all over the house and has some favorite places to go. Right now I think it's in the bathroom to his cloth diaper pale which is so gross, but he loves to play with the garbage can lid so we keep that door closed at all times. When he is in his car he will ram the bathroom door to try and get it open :) He also loves to go into the kitchen and to our bedroom. In our bedroom he likes the fan, our laundry basket, and once again the bathroom. He is also starting to try and climb things to get higher. That is a little scary, because falls can happen so much easier if he tries to stand on something that is not sturdy. Also in the last couple of weeks Jacob's personality has really come out. He is laughing all the time and making all sorts of funny noises. I can just walk into a room and he will start laughing at me, it's so cute. In the last couple of days he has learned how to make a farting noise with his all know what I am talking about???? He will just crawl around the house making that noise, I love it and love him so much!